Sunday, November 2, 2008

for this is Halloween....

i have one million pictures....

i will post a few! i love Halloween!

this year was AWESOME!! it was warm and breezy and gorgeous!

which for UTAH is great!

many years we get SNOW and freezing!


we had a PIRATE GIRL!
a SPY (mistakenly called a bank robber over and over)

a little WITCH girl...

and THREE of the Three Nephites (inside Mormon joke)

what can i say? 15 yr old boys are weird! LOL!
**a word about the "nephites"...they all started out
with .99 cent pants from THRIFT TOWN. and the outfits
just got "whiter and whiter".
at least no one (cars, people, small animals) missed them
in the dark. you could see them coming from 3 blocks away.

1 comment:

Kassie said...

Cute costumes, cute girls, silly big boys!