Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BYU vs. U of U FOOTBALL...

so it's rivelry week here in the good old state of Utah....

what's a family to do?



U of U?

i went to BYU AND the "U" (gasp!)

my son has a big "Y" painted on his bedroom wall.

my husband currently attends the "U".

my MIL works for the "U".

my son frequently attends "Y" games with his uncle Eric

OR any other way he can scrounge a ticket.

he REALLY wants to attend the "Y".

so which team is it in our house??


Kassie said...

Cheer for the offense, thats what my dad always told me!! Then no matter what you are a winner and the best team won!

Mrs. Poff said...

The U

Brodi Ashton said...

When in doubt, the U