Wednesday, August 5, 2009

words to live by....

yesterday was a baaaaaaaaaaaaad day....

today is better.

sharing a story from my friend... (i love you!)

her sister was having a really bad year (yup year! not day or week!) after months of praying, one night, she knelt down by the side of her bed and started her prayers...

...after a minute, she threw her hands up and stood up.

she said, "what's the point? really." and got in bed.

afterwards her and her husband had a good chuckle.

it's nice to know that EVERYONE feels like this sometimes...

feeling alone and thinking, "what's the point, really?"

that was my day yesterday.

today she (my friend) also shared THIS story.

during a hard time in her life, she was talking with another friend, whom we will call Smartypants, speaking of feeling alone. down. tired. scared. lonely. sad.

friend Smartypants looked at her and said "don't you think your Heavenly Father is weeping WITH you right now? don't you think he is feeling badly that YOU are feeling bad?"

as any good father would be, any good father would be aching as much as their child during a moment of pain.

i thought that these were words to remember and live by.

HE cannot always take away the hard times, or pain, but he can weep WITH us when we ache, and he can HELP carry us through.

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