Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i seem to be dripping from all of my orifices today....

the leakage does not stop with my eyes, those darn tears.

my nose, the snot resulting from the tears.

my heart, dripping, DRIPPING, with gratitude.

now while i would probably trade the situation we are in(gladly and willingly)...

i would be remiss if i did not thank those who have stepped forward...

to love,

and give,

and support.

WOW! the world is certainly filled with good people.

from the bottom of our DRIPPING HEARTS,
we LOVE you-

The Nielsons

1 comment:

Libbi said...

Dorien and Kyle,
What a shock. I am so sorry. We'll be thinking of you daily - hoping and praying for the best.