Thursday, October 6, 2011

eleven ... twelve...

11.  Star Wars Guys...this was the DEFINITION 
of "Josh" for many years.  While this is not his
collection (it is stashed in a big Tupperware box
in his closet), it rivals his many "guys".  He played
NON STOP with them for a lot of years.  All the while
role playing one of the "guys".  Han, Luke, Darth.

Now his two nephews sometimes get to touch the sacred
collection of men when they come over.  Consider 
yourselves lucky, very very lucky, Eli and Grayson!

12. LEGO's...DUH!  Do I really need to say 
anything else?  Considering he is almost 18 and
STILL gets a new one every year for Christmas.

The boy LOVES him some LEGO's.  There is a certain
noise all those bricks make when sorting through them.

You know the noise, if you have a boy.  
A boy who LOVES Lego's.

If he grows up to become an Engineer (his current
college degree goal), I will happily trace all the
roots of that back to his Lego playing days.

It may also make me feel better about all that cash
spent on them too~ (wink)


Laura said...

There is nothing better than the sound of stirring in Lego's.
Utah State has an amazing engineering program, and I can see the building from my window -I could keep an eye on the trouble maker...
Lastly, I'm really enjoying all these Josh thoughts - but I still can't believe he'll be 18 - that's crazy.

nielsons*love*family said...

i know! 18, it's CA RAZY! right?
i think he has his heart set on the "U" at the moment...that could change though. :)