Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 pound bag-- revisited

There it is...

The 10 pound bag of chips from Costco.

I am either proud or embarrassed to say (or admit) that in LESS THAN one
month the entire thing was used up.


Completely Gone.

In fact, on Monday I had to go get ANOTHER 10 pound bag from Costco.

I will blame it on the facts of no less than 3 birthdays, numerous teenagers
begging for food, a few neighborhood parties, one pig roast and A LOT
of baking.

I feel tired just typing that.

And I know for a fact how spoiled "the boys" (as in "Josh & friends")
are when they were at my house for lunch today and were pouting, sulking
and overall disgruntled over the fact that I had no cupcakes waiting
for them today.

I'll work on it.


JGEM said...

How was the chocolate used in the pig roast?

nielsons*love*family said...

i was just in charge of desserts for it...maybe the pig ate some chips at some point in his life though. his name was Herb.