Saturday, May 21, 2011

end of year

the school year is almost at an end.


how did that happen so quickly?

we have had volleyball playoffs and final games.

Oly placed 2nd.

dance practices and recitals.

the girls did great.

on a side note:

the "theme" for this years dance recital was

"Oldies but Goodies".

all the music was from the 1980's, circa when i 
graduated from high school.  Say, oh 1985 ish.

does that make me an "oldie but goodie"?


we had "end of year sewing class fashion show".

we have had field trips and adventures galore.

the weather has held steady at rain on its best
days and snow on its worst.

we are still waiting for warm weather in utah.

lucky lilacs came and went.

the days are lighter, longer.

i commented to a friend that i find myself more
tired, she told me it just gets worse the older
one gets.

and she should know, she has a good 10 years
on me. :O)

i need to learn to nap, a skill that i have not
yet acquired in this life.

the end of the world was supposed to happen today,
according to one crazy mans prediction.

it appears i am still here, thank goodness!

i was not ready to go yet.

last night my son and his friends drove around 
town warning people with a 6 foot sign on a 14 
passenger van.

(his friends family has about a million kids, give
or take a couple hundred thousand)

they borrowed the van and put a huge sign "THE
END IS NIGH" along the sides.

it gave me a good chuckle when they parked in front
of my house and attracted a crowd.

tonight, they are gathered in my backyard shooting
various items of fruit and vegetation from their
home made potato launcher.

i am awaiting "the angry call" from a neighbor
even as i type.  (there is always one).

end of year, in a nutshell.

more to come.

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