Friday, November 27, 2009


who doesn't have lots to be thankful for?

even in the midst of trying times in our life...

THIS year i am "thankful" that my two "teenagers" spent 3 whole hours with their family (AKA "us") during the school break.

it was, of course, under great duress and threats of feigned heart failure on the part of their mother. and a few tears. and a little bit of begging. but still, they conceded!

so, this year...i am thankful my teens "choose" to hang w/me for a solid 3 hours.

Josh and Grace, i am thankful for 3 great hours! (and no that is NOT sarcastic).

a just a note for those of you who still have all "young 'uns" at home...that like you. that like to "hang with you"...still.

Please oh please oh please-hold them tight and enjoy every passing moment. they grow up and away far too fast. love them. hold them. hug them. play "tea" with them. and barbies. and Wii. and Lego's. and just enjoy them. :O)

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