Thursday, June 4, 2009

moment of silence please....

It is officially official.

Josh has finished Jr. High.

3 years spent frolicking the halls of Oly Jr., playing sports, teasing girls, making good grades (so far), hanging out with friends.

All done.

now we are on to Olympus High....

...which makes me OFFICIALLY the mother of a high school kid. (or just OLD as my kids like to say!)

...let the fun begin.


Heather said...

eek! high school?! though if i had the choice of having a first time high schooler...i'd pick josh! he'll be awesome!

Kassie said...

I am truely excited to be the mom of a high-schooler...maybe we are old, but doesnt high school bring on some incredible experiences!! Ones they will not forget...ever. Cant wait to watch Andre experience it!