Friday, June 5, 2009

life lessons....

Let's just say that yesterday was NOT the best day of my life. To take my mind off of grown up matters, I took my daughter to the park, where I sat silently behind my sunglasses as she played with complete strangers, albeit little kid strangers. In the world behind my sunglasses I watched her playing with other people's children....and this is what she taught me.

#1. Help other people out.
...a 2 year old boy was on the slides and dropped his stuffed dinosaur, she slid down, grabbed it and quickly handed it back. No thought as to whether she should or not, she just did it. We should ALL just reach in and lend a hand. As in: hand back life's figurative dinosaurs...most of the time people really appreciate our help. EVEN IF, it is just a listening, non judgemental ear!

#2. Give a little push when needed.
...Olivia spent 20 minutes helping to push another little girl on the swings who could not get herself going...darn short legs. Don't we all need a little "push" sometimes?

#3. Take turns!
...only 4 swings and LOTS of kids, I watched as they all waited their turn (I know this is not always the case, but it worked out quite nicely yesterday)

#4. Make a new friend.
...After less than 5 minutes, Olivia was holding hands and laughing with a complete stranger. No judgements (see next lesson) just a new person to enjoy the moment with.

#5. Don't Judge!
There was a little down syndrome girl on the playground. She was acting a bit different than the other kids---after a while I watched her walk up to Olivia and talk with her, just about "kid stuff". Olivia did not notice one thing different about this girl, she was just a kid like anyone else. How do we REALLY know everything about everyone else?
Maybe we should just accept others as they are. Does that mean we have to like everything about them? Probably not, but I am pretty sure that *I* am not perfect--so isn't it just easier to leave the unkind things left unsaid and try and concentrate on the good stuff? Pretty much EVERYONE has SOME "good stuff".

#6. Have Fun!
After a fall and a scratched knee, she still had fun. TRY and focus on the swinging and sliding, and not the scratches, along the way.

I REALLY needed that lesson yesterday...
Maybe on all my "bad" days I should just hang out at the playground!


Stephie said...

I hope you have a better day today. <3 What great lessons!

Rigby Fam said...

Great Post!!!!

Heather said...

great lessons for all of us! and hoping you have a better day =)

Amy said...

Bad days are simply that, bad "DAYS". You always have the next day to start over and if that next day is crap too, there is always the next. Looking for the joy is really all we have to do and I think you do that well. I hope today is better!!!

Tricia said...

These are great life lessons that I need to reminded of EVERY day! Hope you are having a much better day! P.S. You've got my listening ear anytime you need it! =)

Libbi said...

Thanks Dorien.....nice post.
Hope your having a better day!

Keely said...

That's why I just love see the good in life's lessons all around us.
I hope today was better. :)

6deans said...

Loved your post...what a great reminder to enjoy the little things...I hope things look up for you guys :)