Sunday, March 8, 2009

EYES in the back of my head

*when olivia was asked by her teacher if her mother had anything she was particularly good at, or if she had any special talents, her reply was "no! but she DOES have eyes in the back of her head and she can always see what we're doing!"
(aside: GASP! i have NO talents?? really? sigh...)
in order to test the "eye" theory, my children often hold up any given number of their digits behind my head and make me guess the correct number....i, of course, have at least a 50% success rate--indeed that does make me "magical" in their eyes --magical enough anyway to "see" what's going on when i am NOT in the room.
someday, when they too become parents, the "magic eyes" will be handed down to them...
until them i am left talentless, special ability-less with "EYES in my head" as my only claim to fame.
pretty cool, huh?

1 comment:

Heather said...

olivia is too funny!

i haven't had to mention or use the eyes in the back of my head lately. the girls know they will learn how to use theirs when they take the "mommy" class some day waaaay far away. LOL