Thursday, March 5, 2009

it sure as #&*@ ain't* popcorn...

i looked out the window and WHAT did i see?
certainly NOT popcorn popping on the apricot tree!

well apparently driving is NOT the only to make me

#&*$^*@(@ ....

....SNOW seems to have an equally powerful affect on me as well!

ahhh, the joys of Utah weather. 60 degrees and hurricane force winds one day, 30 and snow the next.


*(authors note: please know that *I KNOW* that "ain't" is NOT proper just seemed to fit the title so much better than "is not"...)


Kassie said...

On the positive side- the roads were only wet and look at the sunshine this afternoon!!!! It wasnt snow it was gods way of giving everything a final wash down!!:)

Amy said...

When I opened up the blinds that morning my exact words were "What the Helllllllo" I had to add the "o" just in case Grace reads this, because I never say anything bad! But seriously..........I can't take the snow!