Wednesday, January 21, 2009

got GAME?

Congrats Josh...
he made the Olympus Jr. High
Basketball team!
(we figure those size 13 dogs and that 6'4" of height
had to be put to good use sometime, right?)


Brodi Ashton said...

Yay! Congrats Josh! Carter so looks up to him. Every new person he meets, it's: "You're not big like Josh. Josh is older than you too."

Libbi said...


Keely said...

Congratulations Josh! That's awesome! :)

The Johnson's said...

Congrats Josh! That's so great, and amazing to those of us who are completely unathletic!


Cool! You will be so busy going to games. congratulations!

Laura said...

athletic AND artistic...not fair!!!

nielsons*love*family said...

here's the thing brodi, it's hard NOT too look UP to josh, kwim?

samandbrodi said...

That is fabulous news...nice work Josh.

Wendy C said...

Way to go Josh! You ARE Awesome!