Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

Yup, this is what
being a mother is all
about.  Take a moment
to carefully look at each

After eating the lovely
omelet and fruit smoothie
that was prepared for me,
I hopped in the shower
to hear the sounds of 
my bickering children 
in the backyard...

I yelled out the window
"Ah the REAL sounds of
Mothers Day, the joy!"

Let's just keep it 
real people, right?

I'm grateful for the
UPS and the DOWNS
and (mostly) wouldn't
trade the deliciousness
of being a mother
for anything.

It is a savory treat
that brings me new
challenges and new
joys, new heartaches
and new surprises
everyday of my life!

Thanks Josh, Grace,
Eliza & Olivia for 
making me a "mother"
and helping me learn
how to stretch and
grow inside of my mothers
skin...thank you for 
testing my mother heart
and thank you for
helping me learn
what the word






I love you all!
Modern Family moments,
and all!

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