Monday, January 4, 2010

the good, the bad, and the ugly...

the good: josh (who turned 16 in October) finally finished up Driver Ed., passed the test and official became a Utah Driver today.
Drivers License and all! (or is this the bad?)

the bad: after calling our insurance company (and several others) and hearing the quote for covering him on our insurance which comes it at a mere $150 A MONTH (JUST FOR HIM, A MONTH! on ONE CAR!!! Kyle and I are just shy of $130 a month for BOTH of us on TWO CARS!) I proceeded to say my very first curse word of the New Year (after proclaiming to be done with cursing in 2010) Then I said a second and third one just for good measure.

Kyle then had to call 911 and and I had to be resuscitated by the paramedics upon receiving this information. I am still on oxygen as I type. I asked for something stronger than oxygen, but the paramedics just gave me a blank stare.

the ugly: with kyle currently "under-employed", we literally cannot afford to insure our son and pay for it at the moment. This made me weep with sadness and shame at our predicament. For good measure, I also gnashed my teeth--just so that I could say I had done it once in my lifetime. Then I cursed again. So Josh has his license, but he cannot drive at the moment. (maybe this is the good instead of the bad or ugly?)

now for the small print:
FYI people....that quote is for a kid who makes good grades and at the moment has no tickets or wrecks. I cannot even FATHOM the cost of car insurance for him in the event of bad grades and tickets on his record.


Stephie said...

I'm so sorry. :(

Have you shopped around at all? We have always been insured by Allstate through my cousin. Well back in June I decided to check around and through Farmer's with better coverage we are now saving $40/month! I had to quit business with a family member but saving $40/month was more important for my family than hurting his feelings. My parents did the same thing but they went from Allstate to State Farm. Anyway, just a suggestion. Hugs!!!

nielsons*love*family said...

yes...we are shopping--
we are actually WITH farmers and have been told by lots of people how much MORE they are! ironic, huh? waiting to hear back on a few more quotes...

having a bad day and hating being unemployed!!!!

tomorrow will be better~ (i just feel like my kids have sacrificed SO MUCH and been so great--it makes me more sad than them!) :O(

Rigby Fam said...

On the good side, You really don't want him to start driving in the middle of winter anyway...You won't have to worry about him sliding and crashing...(I'm trying to look for the good..)I'm going to make Stetson wait until spring or summer to start driving...Of course he's only 13, but we've dealt with insurance for 2 boys and 1 girl at 1 time and a few accidents so....good???

Laura said...

I'd say it's time for Josh to get a job...That's what my parents did, they would let me use their car (no I did not get my own until I bought it at 22), but I had to pay my own insurance!

nielsons*love*family said...

i'm not against a job, yet at the moment he barely has time for school and basketball and homework-not sure when he would squeeze one in? maybe after bball is over? (in the spring)

maybe we could just make kyle get a job? LOL (i am joking~) well, not really....

Heather said...

congrats to josh! i'd say keep shopping around. surely there's something reasonable. and do you have all of your coverage with one company? they ought to have a reward for a hefty discount!

as for the job. i see things a bit differently...if he wants to get a job and has the time without bringing down grades, etc. then sure go for it. but i just couldn't insist. there's way too much time to be the grown up and not enough time to be the kid. but...what about neighborhood jobs? it doesn't pay much, but it also is flexible.

good luck. there's got to be light at the end of the tunnel soon. 2010-a year of good changes!

Libbi said...

teenage driving is nothing but ugly!
it is my #1 reason for doing what I am doing.

I have another one coming up in June. He will be waiting....

kudos to Josh...for all the good things!

6deans said...

That makes my stomach hurt thinking about that insurance expense. Rachel will be driving before we know it and I think Mike and I pay like $80 or so a month for us. That is crazy the expense of a teenage driver. I say you keep shopping around...hopefully there is a better deal out there. We are with Bear River...I don't know if you tried them but they are pretty cheap. Good luck :)

nielsons*love*family said...

WOW! emily--you're prices are WAY better than ours! (and you have 2 newer nicer cars than us--!!) we need to call them! i will today!