josh takes his ITOUCH to church on Sundays...
...supposedly (it does) it contains all his scriptures on it. you know, so he can follow along in Sunday School class. He has been threatened with his life NOT to use it for anything else during Sunday Hours.
today during Sacrament Meeting, he was using the coloring program on it to color in pictures (cars and whatnot).
I leaned over and said to him "AHEM! those are NOT your scriptures! You are coloring!--what would Jesus say?"
without missing a beat, Josh replied, "He would say 'use more blue Josh, use more blue'."
I happen to know that someone was texting someone else during sacrament meeting. What would Jesus say about that.I bet you couldn't guess one of the someones!!!!! I won't be able to tell you the other someone because I am sure the wife of the other someone wouldn't be to happy about it. The first someone said it was about Home Teaching.......totally appropriate.
I love this...! Use more blue!
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