Thursday, December 31, 2009

out with the old

2009 brought with it many good things and one big bad thing that affected everything else. Here are a few highlights (and lowlights) from our year. I say "out with old and in with the NEW"...

1. Basketball games, soccer games and more basketball games.

2. Kyle finishing up at the "U".

3. Our fabulous beach vacation.

4. Followed by the awful news of loosing a job.

5. Followed by tears and more tears at this.

6. Followed by JUST as many tears from all the good things

that have come from this loss.

7. New baby coming in 2010. (gotcha! just checking to see

if you are REALLY reading!)

8. World record amount of texts sent to and from Grace in a

6 day time period. Hold on to your hats: 4023!

9. Seeing the world through Primary Childrens eyes as I take

on that new challenge. So grateful for wonderful ladies

who stand with me every single day on that.

10. Watching son build and blow up and spear and catapult

and harpoon any given number of things. I have to give

the boy a 10 (on a scale of 1 to 10) for creativity!

11. Having a 16 year old. Which includes things like

driving and dating and kissing, OH MY!

12. Gratitude at God's hand in my family's life, day after

day. Week after week.

13. Seeing it IS possible to survive on practically no

sleep. and endure lots of stress. and LIVE to tell

about both.

14. Wondering if Tylenol PM can become addicting?

15. Grateful for good friends.

16. New Moon.

17. Duct Tape Shoes.

18. New Recipes.

19. Didn't kill any house plants (didn't try to grow any

either though...)

20. Looking forward to what 2010 has to offer.

"In with the new!" Bring it on...


janae said...

2010 is going to be a good one for you!! I love serving in primary with you, you r the best:)

The "K" in JKD said...

LOL at #7 and I am right there with you on #19. Love you and your family!