Friday, May 7, 2010


This is my mom. (and my Bompie.)

I wish that I were as patient as my mother, I am not.

I wish that I were as kind as my mother, again probably not.

I am, however, grateful for the good things she taught me.

Of books, and reading.

Of going to church and saying my prayers.

Of believing, of faith.

Of trying, and trying again.

She was the woman that woke me up at 5:00 AM every morning during my High School years to attend early morning seminary. (Not sure how I EVER survived that quite honestly!)

Not only did she wake me up every morning , but she made me a nice warm breakfast to make sure I went on my way with a full belly. Then at night she cooked a balanced meal for dinner too --almost every day of my growing up life. (another way I am NOT like my mother)

She listened to a zillion heartaches, and stories, and troubles. Teenage girls have many you know. (am experiencing these daily now...)

She never swore or used bad language. ever. (not saying a thing here!) ;O)

She hardly ever raised her voice.

She was patient beyond patient.

We never left the house without hearing her tell us she loved us, ever.

It was a good thing to know.

She was also big on hugs and kisses.

My mother was not perfect, for none of them (us) are--but I know that she tried her very hardest to do the best job she could. I am grateful for the things I have learned from her over the years. I am grateful for some of the good I have carried on to my very own family, my very own mothering.

So on this Mothers Day weekend, here is my tribute to you. For all you did, and all you do...Thank You!

I love you Mom...



Heather said...

A great tribute! Your mom is a good one, and I know you are too! Happy Mother's Day!(a little early)

6deans said...

What a nice tribute to your mom. She sound like a great lady. Happy Mothers Day!!!