Thursday, April 2, 2009


you may vote as many times as you want for the next week. POLL Is at the VERY bottom of the blog page (please scroll down).

Regarding whethere or not Kyle should "walk" at the U. of U. graduation ceremonies...
(i'm making him do it anyway, it is a GREAT accomplishment that needs to be celebrated!)

BUT, vote anyway! thanks for you input!


stephanie h said...

HECK YES!! How's that?! :)

Stephie said...

I agree he should do it!!! Brandon did and it was such a great day! Christian even remembers. Kyle deserves to be celebrated! He's worked so hard! You all have!

6deans said...

Absolutely Kyle should walk...what an accomplishment with working full time and raising 4 kids. I think it would be so great for your kids to be there and see him WALK...when Mike walked I was in the hospital just delivered Rachel I was so bummed I missed it...those ceremonies are long but I think they are very MOTIVATING :)

Kassie said...

He should walk and party all night!! ha ha!!

samandbrodi said...

Kyle should totally do it. But Kyle, don't walk it...strut it!

Mrs. Poff said...

Yes...I never did when I graduated from college but I should have....