Tuesday, September 22, 2009




PLUS THIS (In the wrong spot)

= (equals)

One Big Hole all the way through Kyle's middle finger.

(Literally...through the*middle*of*the*finger!)

We like to live on the edge here at our house.

ESPECIALLY now, when we have no

Health Insurance.

Can we say kyle really "screwed up" with the screw gun today?

my favorite part is how he tells me...

he knows how i feel about blood and holes in body parts. (i feel faint just typing this post people!)

the call goes something like this...

"hey honey, do you know how bad it hurts to put a screw through your finger? Especially when you can feel it bounce off of your bone and then come out the other side?"

me: "um, nope! don't know...will never know, and never WANT TO know!" panicking slightly, thinking about irrational things like, oh say, BLOOD POISENING, infections and what not.

him: "this is why i never tell you these things!"

me: "well you ALWAYS tell me, and i always worry! Get over it!"

*in his defense--the man has had very few "accidents" with screw guns, or any other tools, in all his years of using them.

certainly though, there is a first time for everything.

...here's to "enjoying the first time!"

kinda screwy, huh?


Laura said...

I check ARt's fingers every day to be sure he still has all 10. He uses tools that will chop them off, not just drill through them...But that sure sounds miserable!!

Kyle said...

Why didn't we post a picture of the actual wound. That would be more interesting. The screw didn't go through the finger but the tip of the screw gun. Sort of like taking a phillips screw driver and piercing it through your finger. It felt great. I didn't even swear. Lizzie said, "Dad I can't believe you didn't cry"

nielsons*love*family said...

WHAT? it wasn't the actual screw?

well i guess i screwed up telling the story! LOL...

we can edit and add your actual finger to the post...

you may have to take the picture of the wound yourself though~

and you KNOW i would have let loose a few choice words!

samandbrodi said...

I am glad everything turned out and that Kyle didn't have to get his entire hand amputated.

Next time Kyle, you need to take full advantage of your injury...when it happened, you should have started screaming 'I am a bleeder, the blood won't stop, begin CPR immediately.'