Monday, August 10, 2009

Gimme A Break...

Seriously! Who wants to read about our "jobless" status day after day? I think my readership has plunged from something like 5 readers to 0!
But seriously! I still need to finish up my Cali trip pic's (do you remember me mentioning I took something like 478 pictures?)
Here is another day at the beach...
One day no more or less perfect than the last.
I promise to finish it up (the trip, that is) this week. Street fair pictures STILL forthcoming.
I know you all (not sure who "you all" is...but it must be SOMEONE, right?) are DYING to see the rest of our vacation pictures!
In the meantime,
"Gimme A Break,
Gimme A Break,
Break me off a piece of that...
Crystler Car?"
Football Cream?
Snickers Bar?"
It's from the Office, remember that episode? Andy singing and singing...and you just want to
yell at the screen..."KIT KAT BAR!"
Have a great day!

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